2021 Elections in the Community of Madrid

Voter mobilization of left-wing parties on Telegram





Telegram, segmentation, emoji, elections, campaign


This project analyzes the labour carried out by the political parties PSOE, Más Madrid and Podemos on the social network Telegram during the campaign for the regional elections in the Community of Madrid on Tuesday, May 4th, 2021. The investigation examines all the messages published on a total of five channels (the three aforementioned political parties plus the channels of the candidates Mónica García and Pablo Iglesias) to find out about the main quantitative data about the use of the tool: subscribers, messages, use of links, images, videos or emojis.

The analysis studies the qualitative employment accomplished by political parties within their political communication strategy: use of the tool, segmentation and adaptation of the messages used, tone and speech. During the present analysis, a research on Telegram has been carried out in order to know how this social network is used, what strategy has been deployed by each formation during the two weeks of the electoral campaign and the messages with which they have tried to persuade the voters.


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How to Cite

Fernández Rodríguez, A., & Varona Aramburu, D. (2023). 2021 Elections in the Community of Madrid: Voter mobilization of left-wing parties on Telegram. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 5(2), 57–77. https://doi.org/10.23882/rmd.23144