Human Capital, Employability and Entrepreneurship

The case of Program of Integration Through Economic Activities




employability, entrepreneurship, southern provinces, vocational training, OFPPT


Vocational training and employability are essential levers for regional and local development, and could therefore play a significant role in developing entrepreneurship and integrating young people into the economic fabric. Indeed, the issue of employability represents a barrier to regional development in Morocco, particularly in the southern provinces. Unemployment is exacerbated by the loss of jobs and the stoppage of production as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. In this vein, this article looks at the problem of employability and integration of young graduates in these regions of southern Morocco. The aim of this work is to highlight the role of OFFPT's vocational training and its partners in the development of employability and local socio-economic development in the southern provinces, and more specifically in the province of Sidi Ifni in the Guelmim Oued Noun region.
Within this framework, a descriptive study was carried out among young entrepreneurs who had benefited from vocational training and the "PIAE" economic activity integration program. A descriptive analysis of the data, collected from local public players and a sample of young graduates, was carried out to examine the contribution of vocational training to their employability and well-being. The results of our research revealed that young graduates who had benefited from training and support programs were easily integrated into their socio-economic fabric and improved their standard of living. In addition, the projects set up by these young entrepreneurs have contributed to the development of their region of Sidi Ifni by creating jobs for other job seekers.


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How to Cite

El Bettioui, R. (2023). Human Capital, Employability and Entrepreneurship: The case of Program of Integration Through Economic Activities. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 5(3), 225–258.