About the Journal

ISSN: 2184-5492
Journal DOI +: 10.23882 / Oj

RevistaMultidisciplinar.com [RMd]  is an online editorial project of the Multidisciplinary Center (Portugal) in Open Acess and aims to publish texts of research, reflection, academic and dissemination studies. As a journal of international scope, it accepts texts in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish, welcoming contributions that reflect perspectives from various countries.

RMd is ruled by international criteria, whose quality is assured by the submission of articles to a process of anonymous review (double-blind peer review), by a commission obtained by reviewers from national and foreign universities.

The RevistaMultidisciplinar.com [RMd] foresees the following sections in its structure: 

(A) Articles of theoretical foundation, reflection or empirical research;
(B) Reviews or dissemination of projects;
(C) Interviews;
(D) Artifacts and their descriptors

Refereeing system / peer review process:
- after notification of submissions, check on the possibility of plagiarism and the suitability to one of the program lines (if it is the case of thematic issues);
- sending of the article for review and analysis by external/independent peers;
- the articles that are in condition to be published but need minor changes will be sent again to the authors for reformulation;
- after confirmation of the requested changes, they will go through the textual revision and normalization process before being sent for publication.  

Statement of ethical publishing standards and good editorial practices: PDF-eng

Anti-plagiarism. The RevistaMultidisciplinar.com [RMd] maintains an anti-plagiarism policy to ensure that all published works are original, using specific tools to detect plagiarism. This anti-plagiarism policy allows us to guarantee standards of originality, to ensure an innovative and relevant scientific production. Specific plagiarism detection tools, such as: Urkund, Grammarly, Plagium, Copionic, WriteCheck, PaperRater, Plagiarisma.net, Viper, Plagiarism, etc. monitor originality and control plagiarism.

Open Access Policy: This journal offers immediate open access to its contents, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.


Creative Commons License
The texts published here have a License Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0.


Periodicity: Semiannual