Social Responsibility, Family and Community

Introductory Note



Século XXI, bem comum, desenvolvimento


Reflecting on the family, aging, and the opportunities for personal and social development from the perspective of systemic thinking is an important study strategy in its multidimensionality. Starting from an assumption of respect for the diversity of actors in the social environment, of opportunities for the construction of a fair and solidary society in the search for the common good, there are many social issues that have emerged in the economic and social organization in recent decades. The different literacy rates and social asymmetries; the phenomenon of human aging; the perpetuation of power in certain social groups; socioeconomic and racial inequalities; multiple family configurations, among other factors.
Understanding and thinking about 21st century society is necessary for a broad intervention in the face of new contexts. In this volume, we seek to contribute to the discussion and analysis of some of these complex issues, and that from this dialectic, new paths emerge to enrich the debate.



How to Cite

Gil, F. B. (2023). Social Responsibility, Family and Community: Introductory Note. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 5(1), 3–4. Retrieved from