Social management control for steering socio-economic performance

The case of Moroccan public hospitals in rural areas


  • Youssef-Karim Lahlimi Université Cadi Ayyad, NPG, Maroc
  • Abderrahman Messaoudi Université Cadi Ayyad, NPG, Maroc



Socio-economic theory, Dysfunctions, Socio-economic performance


Public hospitals in rural areas of Morocco present, in their daily organization, a series of significant dysfunctions. These establishments accumulate imperfections that obstruct their hospital performance, directly impacting the quality of care offered to patients. It is from this perspective that we will refer to the literature to address both the concepts of socio-economic management and dysfunctions, as well as socio-economic performance. By exploring these domains, we will seek to understand how interactions between organizational structures and individual behaviors can generate inefficiencies and hidden costs, thus hindering the overall performance of hospitals.
The aim of this study is to propose some recommendations that can mitigate the consequences arising from these dysfunctions. By adopting an approach based on practical solutions adapted to the realities on the ground, we seek to improve operational efficiency and strengthen the quality of care provided in rural hospitals. Our recommendations will include strategies aimed at optimizing internal coordination and communication, modernizing equipment and infrastructure, developing continuous training programs, and promoting an organizational culture that fosters innovation and continuous improvement.


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How to Cite

Lahlimi, Y.-K., & Messaoudi, A. (2024). Social management control for steering socio-economic performance: The case of Moroccan public hospitals in rural areas. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 6(3), e202427.