Training local elected representatives, training organizations and local authority management

Practices, challenges and prospects


  • Sabrina Ghallal LAREQUOI, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
  • Ayoub Katfi Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences – Agdal Rabat, Mohammed V University, Morocco
  • Oumaima El Mnouer Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Maroc
  • Hamza Katfi Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Maroc



Local authorities, Elected representatives, Training organizations, Skills, Stakeholder expectations


The training sector for local elected representatives is highly regulated. Only organizations approved by the Ministry of the Interior on the advice of the CNFEL - Conseil National de la Formation des Elus Locaux - can provide training. As of September 27, 2018, there were 200 private or public organizations accredited for training elected representatives, such as universities, grandes écoles, associations and consultancies. For elected representatives, it's a question of understanding how an assembly works, drawing up a budget, public speaking, using social networks, exchanging with associations, getting to grips with new laws ... To do this, elected representatives have at their disposal, among other things, their experience, their savoir-être, their know-how, exchanges on best practices with experienced elected representatives. Every elected official also has the right to training, a right that has been strengthened by legislation in recent years. Today, with the non-accumulation of mandates and the law on parity, we see so-called novice elected representatives taking up office. Strong expectations are being expressed by citizens, the “yellow vest crisis”. In this paper, we propose a reflection on the effectiveness of training organizations and the ability of elected representatives to meet these expectations.


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How to Cite

Ghallal, S., Katfi, A., El Mnouer, O., & Katfi, H. (2024). Training local elected representatives, training organizations and local authority management: Practices, challenges and prospects. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 6(3), e202432.