Manoel de Barros

The poet who visited the unconscious and stayed there




literature, psychoanalysis, poetry, unconscions, subject, alterity


In this essay we analyse some aspects that we believe connect literature (especially poetry) and psychoanalyses, beginning with the claim that these two fields of human knowlwdge present various commun aspects. Through this perspective, we highlight some characteristics of the lyric production of the brazilian poet Manoel de Barros (1916-2014), who we defend as an explorer of the language of  the dreams and the unconsciousness.


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How to Cite

Gil, F. B., & Sousa, F. d’Abadia de. (2024). Manoel de Barros: The poet who visited the unconscious and stayed there. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 6(3), e202428.