From Local Solidarity to Universal Social Security

The evolution of social protection systems


  • Najia Bensed bensed
  • Karima Lakhdar Université Hassan II Casablanca, Maroc
  • Brahim Boulafdour Université Hassan II de Casablanca, Maroc
  • Qamar Doukkali


Mots-clés :

social protection, insurance, assistance, social assistance


The growing interest in social protection in the interdisciplinary field of development studies presents new challenges and opportunities. However, to respond effectively, development specialists need to be aware of the extensive research undertaken over many years in the interdisciplinary field of social policy. Social protection describes all public and private initiatives that provide income or consumption transfers to the poor, protect the vulnerable against livelihood risks, and improve the social status and rights of the marginalized. This article outlines the origins of social protection systems and the historical development of social protection around the world, from primitive techniques to contemporary models of social protection.


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Comment citer

Bensed, N., Lakhdar, K., Boulafdour, B., & Doukkali, Q. (2024). From Local Solidarity to Universal Social Security: The evolution of social protection systems. [RMd] Revue Multidisciplinaire, 6(2), e202424.