‘Out of the box’

Identifying and (de)constructing representations of human interactions with other animals





animal interactions, interaction representations, non-humananimals, science learning


Our estrangement from the natural world is believed to be a consequence of a way of life that ignores the importance of contact with other living beings. This "nature deficit" can cause health problems and also affect people’s emotional and behavioral development. Our interactions with other animals manifest themselves both through our choices of those to whom we affectionately attach ourselves and in the ways we represent them (realistically or symbolically). In the present paper, we present and discuss selected representations of human interactions with other animals and their relationship with science learning in textbooks and discourses of children in the 1st year of the elementary education.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, H., & Rocha, R. (2019). ‘Out of the box’: Identifying and (de)constructing representations of human interactions with other animals. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 1(1), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.23882/MJ1908