Becoming a primary school teacher
A study of the beginning of a teaching career
continuous training, early career, initial training, professional development, professional socializationAbstract
This study focuses on professional paths of primary school teachers at the beginning of their careers. It intends to investigate the conceptual representations of newly formed teachers about their first years of teaching, to identify some variables that may contribute to the professional integration of these young teachers; to understand how they experience becoming a teacher; and, finally, to assess their degree of commitment to the teaching career. The theoretical framework of reference is based on review of literature on teacher’s socialization, particularly the early-career teacher. Methodologically, it builds up on a descriptive and interpretative approach, using individuals’ biographical narratives, and case studies as a research strategy. The article is structured in two parts: (I) the literature review and (II) the presentation of the methodology and conclusions of the study. In the review of the literature, we highlight studies about the beginning of the career, socialization, being a teacher, training and professional life cycles. In the study carried out, we highlight the techniques, instruments and strategies defined, and then present the most evident conclusions in the frame of reference presented in the first part.
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