Help learn math without teaching

the construction of mathematical didactic knowledge in psychopedagogy professionals




didactics of mathematics, mathematical didactic knowledge, psychopedagogy, specialized knowledge


In this article we share the basics, planning and example of a professional training course for psychopedagogy professionals in Argentina. We characterize the proposal as a mathematical workspace (Kusniak, 2011), energized by an instrumental orchestration process (Trouche, 2018) where participating professionals can build specialized knowledge (Carrillo et. al, 2013). We promote a critical and democratic reflection on the teaching and learning of mathematics (Skovsmose, 1999) and the construction of mathematical didactic knowledge in those who do not have the function of teaching this discipline in school.


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How to Cite

Villella, J., & Güerci, V. (2021). Help learn math without teaching: the construction of mathematical didactic knowledge in psychopedagogy professionals. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 3(1), 5–15.