Some contributions from Neurosciences to Education
Do enriched environments increase the learning capacity of our brain?
education, environment, genes, neuroplasticity, neurosciencesAbstract
The reflection and discussion on the role of genetic specification and experience in the acquisition of a function and in the development of an individual reflects a fascinating and very current debate among those working in the area of behavior and development. Concerning the development of human behavior and the influence of biological heritage and the envitonment, conflicting and sometimes exclusive positions were established. On the one hand, adherents of genetic inheritance exclude the possibility of the influence of the environment. On the other hand, supporters of the environment exclude genetic inheritance. There is also an eclectic position, reconciling both extremes. Furthermore, within the scope of the trends themselves, differentiating nuances emerge. It is therefore, a very controversial subject to which we dedicate this work from a Neuroscience perspective. We will approach brain neuroplasticity as the ability of the nervous system to change and adapt, in response to internal and external stimuli, including structural and / or functional changes throughout life. Brain plasticity is one of the pillars of learning and memory processes. In short, the role of Neurosciences in the field of Educational Sciences is taking shape and the concept of neuroplasticity is a sine qua non condition for trying to establish a connection between education, behavior and the brain.
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