Evaluation of the impact of school canteens on school performance and retention in primary schools

The Case of Benin


  • Judicaël Alladatin Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Maroc (/judicael.alladatin@um6p.ma) https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7230-9953
  • Abel Borori Boutique des sciences et des savoirs Siabanni, Bénin
  • Augustin Gnanguenon Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Maroc
  • Appoline Fonton Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique, Maroc




This study assesses the impact of school canteens on the performance and school retention of Beninese students at the primary level. The data used come from the PASEC2014 survey carried out on a representative sample of 3,033 pupils in CM2 and 732 pupils in CP. The propensity score matching method was used to evaluate the impact of canteens on student performance in reading and mathematics and on retention. The results show that canteens have a significant positive impact on student performance in reading and math and a negative impact on school dropout. In other words, canteens improve retention. Canteens improve the academic performance of private students more than those of public schools, even if they contribute more to the retention of children in public schools than those in private schools.


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How to Cite

Alladatin, J., Borori, A., Gnanguenon, A., & Fonton, A. (2022). Evaluation of the impact of school canteens on school performance and retention in primary schools: The Case of Benin. [RMd] RevistaMultidisciplinar, 4(1), 171–196. https://doi.org/10.23882/rmd.22089