How does a teacher's knowledge of APOE theory impact his or her specialized knowledge?
Specialized Knowledge, MTSK, Math Teachers, APOS TheoryAbstract
This article explores the influence of knowledge of formal learning theories on the rest of the math teacher's specialized knowledge. To this end, the MTSK model was chosen to explore specialized knowledge and APOS theory as a formal learning theory. The work was carried out with two top mid-level Mexican professors who had completed master's degrees and in whose final work they used the APOS theory. We analyzed his final work in the part related to the design of teaching sequences. In the results we present how the design of the activities of the informants shows evidence of the Pedagogical Content Knowledge, as there is a mobilization of knowledge corresponding to the different subdomains and categories framed in that domain.
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Copyright (c) 2021 José Antonio Sánchez-García, Eric Flores-Medrano, Lidia Aurora Hernández Rebollar, Estela Juárez-Ruiz

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.