Primary school teachers' practices
The contribution of collaborative work
collaborative work, data handling, professional practices, task construction, teachersAbstract
There are several studies that focus on the teacher's practices in collaborative work context, highlighting the importance of peer collaboration, which can contribute to respond to problems of practice and increase the capacity for reflection of the teachers. In this paper we discuss the contributions of collaborative work in the selection and preparation of data handling tasks with investigative characteristics and reflection on its implementation. Particular attention is paid to the aspects valued by teachers and the benefits they draw when they engage in this type of work. The study follows an interpretative and qualitative research methodology. Data collection is based on participation in working sessions with audio recording, complemented with interviews. The results show that teachers value their participation for the benefits received, namely a better knowledge of the subject data handling and tasks with investigative features, learning performed and reflection on their practices. They also emphasize openness and mutual respect that throughout the work, factors they consider fundamental to the establishment of a climate of confidence which challenged them to try new situations and take risks.
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